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With the amazing Iris Dixon, national champion and cycling legend.

Sam Monardo, Managing Director of Specialized Australia and Laura Wilson, Women's Development Manager at Specialized Australia.

And a very special thanks to Alicia Bailey, who is always such an amazing support to us at Wheel Women...thanks Alicia!
Iris Dixon Award Winner - 2015
Cycling Victoria International Women's Day Award.
On Thursday 5th March a few of us attended the Cycling Victoria International Women's Day Awards. It's an annual event to celebrate the women in cycling who are making a difference, supporting women on bikes, or doing their best to spread the word about women's cycling.
Wheel Women was nominated for 4 of the 5 categories:
Champions of Change
Best Development Initiative
Excellence in Covering Women's Cycling (including social media)
Iris Dixon Woman of the Year
It was SO exciting to have been nominated in the 4 categories alongside such luminaries in the women's cycling world. Each woman/group nominated is really making it happen. So it was an honour to be included.
The BIG news is that we took out the Iris Dixon Women of the Year Award. Woohoo!
Although Tina McCarthy's was listed as the recipient, it is important to note this award would not have been received without the help of everyone who helps make Wheel Women such a strong supporter of women's cycling.
We especially want to mention:
Thank you! Your financial support helps keep us viable and able to keep getting more women on bikes.
Each and every one of you. Whether you ride regularly with us or just do the occassional ride, we love seeing you riding.
On social media - we love that you are interested in what we are doing. Keep on chatting, posting and being involved.
Thankyou everyone who supports us and let's us do what we do so well....we GET women on bikes.
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